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Title: Which SurvCE Installation Works With The Juniper Mesa?
Topic ID: 821 Link to this page
Category: Data Collectors / Juniper Mesa
Modified: 2013-10-09 Created: 2013-10-09
The Juniper Mesa runs Windows Mobile 6.5 with a high resolution display.
It can be configured to run in “Portrait” mode standing up vertically or in “Landscape” mode on its side horizontally.
You can check your screen Orientation in Windows Mobile under Start / Settings / System Tab / Screen icon for the
Orientation values.
If its set for Portrait you can use SurvCE Version 2.58 Item # 48 with a filename of “SurvCE_WM6_Portrait_HDPI.exe”
If your Mesa is set for Landscape you can use Item # 25 with the filename “SurvCE_WM6_Landscape_HDPI.exe”.
Both of these have been tested with the Juniper Mesa tablet so they should work properly.


