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Title: Robotics Icons
Topic ID: 728 Link to this page
Category: SurvCE|PC / SurvCE / SurvCE 2.50
Modified: 2012-02-08 Created: 2012-02-08
With the release of SurvCE 2.50, the actions of the tracking/search icons at the top of the graphics screen are now
standardized across all robotic total stations.  This document will describe the new, standardized actions of the

Click the link below to download a PDF document with screenshots:

Robotic Icons.pdf


At all times you’ll see the status of the instrument at the top left of the screen.  This status can vary by instrument,
but you may see:

Standby: total station is not locked or tracking on the target.  We will still display the current angles at the

Locked: total station is following the target but is not streaming distances to SurvCE.  For Sokkia and Leica
instruments, the locked state can save battery life, as the EDM is not firing.

Tracking: total station is locked on the prism, the EDM is firing, and SurvCE is displaying the distances at the bottom
of the screen.

Waiting: total station was locked on the prism, but the view has been blocked, and it is waiting to see if it can
automatically retain lock

Searching: Total station is actively searching for the prism.



In standby mode, the middle (locked/search) icon will display binoculars, to indicate that pressing it will trigger a
search.  The tracking icon on the right shows a red-line through it, to indicate that we are not tracking, or displaying

 If a “super search” is enabled in the settings, pressing the middle icon will trigger the super search.  This is Power
search for Leica, and RC search for Topcon or Sokkia.  Once the search completes, if the prism is found, the total
station will go into a locked state.   

From standby mode, if the total station is already looking directly at the prism or is very close, it may be
advantageous to go directly into tracking mode and bypass the search.  Do this by pressing the tracking icon.  This
should snap the prism directly into tracking mode if the total station is already looking at the prism.  If it is not
looking at the prism, some total stations will go directly into a simple search.  It is best to use this method only to
speed things up if you are already very close to the prism and want to avoid a full super-search.


In the locked state, the middle icon shows the lock image to indicate that the total station is locked on the prism. 
The tracking icon shows a red-line through it to indicate that the total station is not tracking, and is not displaying

To go from locked into tracking mode, simply press the tracking icon.

To go from locked back into standby mode, press the lock icon.


In the tracking state, the middle icon shows the lock image to indicate that the total station is locked on the prism
and following it.  The tracking icon shows the green arrow, and no red-line, to indicate that we are tracking the prism
and actively firing the EDM to show distances.  Note that the bottom line now shows the SD label and the current

To go from tracking back to locked mode, which may save battery life, press the tracking icon.

To go from tracking back to standby mode, press the lock icon.


After taking a shot, the new 2.50 will always put a robotic total station into Tacking Mode, regardless
of the previous state of the instrument.  This change was made to standardize behavior across all instruments, and
because most users do want to continue tracking after taking a reading.  As always, we welcome your feedback on this

After the shot, if you want to go back to locked, simply press the tracking icon.



