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Title: Error 415 on SurvPC
Topic ID: 1292 Link to this page
Category: SurvCE|PC / SurvPC
Modified: 2022-01-05 Created: 2022-01-05
This is in regards to the 415 Registration Error you are seeing in SurvPC. You could try the following to see if it
resolves the problem:

While SurvPC is open, we are going to re-validate, check for updates to capture the registration, and remove the
unauthorized status. Just follow the steps below and it should get you up and running. Please ensure that the tablet is
connected to the Internet before proceeding.

1. Go to File > About Carlson SurvPC > Change Registration, check to see that your SN is registered if not
(Unauthorized) re-register, then remove any demo SN or old SN.

2. While we are in this area, we are going to check for updates to connect and save registration. Highlight the only
Serial Number in the area and click on "Check for updates"

3. Completely shut down SurvPC

4. Bring everything back up and you should be good to go.


