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Title: RT3 WiFi Driver Update
Topic ID: 1124 Link to this page
Category: Data Collectors / Carlson RT3 Tablet
Modified: 2019-05-08 Created: 2019-05-08
This is a Wi-Fi 802.11 driver update from November 2016 for the Carlson RT3 tablet. 
 It has been reported that this updated version has improved tethering to some mobile hotspots.
Please click the temporary link below to download the file "Broadcom-Wifi-driver- exe" to a computer that has
Internet Access. 

The Password to access the file is: wifi

Copy this file to a USB thumb drive then connect the thumb drive to the RT3 tablet and run the driver install on the RT3
tablet to see if it corrects the issue you reported with the Wi-Fi hotspot connections.  


Wi-Fi 802.11 Driver Update:

