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Title: Leica TS12 with Allegro MX Radio Pod
Topic ID: 969 Link to this page
Category: SurvCE|PC / SurvCE / Quick Start Guides / Leica Instruments
Modified: 2016-07-13 Created: 2016-07-13
This article describes how to setup the Leica TS12 to communicate with the AllegroMX
radio pod using the RH1200 radio handle.
The Allegro MX radio will not work with RH16 radio handle. 

On the Total Station
1) Start at the main menu of the total station, with the six large icons. If you are not there,
try pressing escape until you find it.
2) Choose 5->Configure
3) Choose 4->Interfaces
4) Press the down arrow to highlight GeoCOM Mode. This is the command protocol that
SurvCE requires to communicate. Once it is highlighted, press F3->Edit.
5) Make sure "Use Interface" is set to YES, and press the down arrow to hightlight Port.
Toggle the port (using the right arrow), until it says "Port2 (Handle)"
6) Under the port is the device that is assigned to that port. To use the radio, it should say
RH1200. If it does not, press F5->Device. Look for the radios tab at the top, and press it to
bring it to the front. Highlight the RH1200.
7) Press F3->Edit to note the communication settings for the radio, then F1->Store to make
any changes. Press F1->Cont to assign the RH1200 to your Port 2. Press F1->Cont again
get back to the interfaces screen.
8) Once the RH1200 radio is selected and highlighted, the F4->Ctrl button becomes
available. Press it to change the radio channel.
9) Set the Link number to match what you have set on the data collector, and set as Base.
Press F1->Cont.
10) Escape back out to the main menu. Total station setup is complete.

On the Allegro MX
1) Launch SurvCE version 2.59 or higher.
2) Tap Equip->Total Station
3) For the current tab, select Leica, TS12
4) On the Comms tab, choose Type: Radio. For the Radio type, choose the first one, Leica
1200 Remote.
5) Set the Port to COM3, and the baud rate and other port settings to match what you saw
in Step 7 above (default is 115200, 8, None, 1).
6) Press the "connect" icon to the left of the green check to test your connection.


