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Title: Unable to Access the IntelliCAD Help File
Topic ID: 637 Link to this page
Category: Carlson Survey / Simplicity / Sight Survey 2009
Modified: 2010-06-30 Created: 2010-06-30

If you have installed any version of "Sight" Survey 2009 prior to release 1.0.8, you may not be able to access the IntelliCAD Help file. In release 1.0.8 the installation path for IntelliCAD was relocated. The software profile however, was not overwritten by the installation and still pointed to the old installation path so the help file can not be located. To correct this issue, delete the current Simplicity2009 in IntelliCAD and then restart IntelliCAD using "Sight" Survey 2009 to recreate a new profile. Follow these steps:

  1. Launch IntelliCAD using the IntelliCAD icon on your desktop.
  2. Go to Tools>Options and click the Profiles tab.
  3. Left-click on the [Create] button.
  4. In the Create Profile dialog enter a Profile Name of New and click [OK].
  5. Back in the Options dialog box, left-click on Simplicity2009, then left-click on the [Delete] button. Confirm your intentions to delete the Simplicity2009 profile, then click [OK] to close the dialog box.
  6. Close IntelliCAD, then start Sight Survey 2009 using the SS2009 External icon. You will need to re-size your screen display to be able to once again see the "Sight" Survey screen.
  7. In IntelliCAD, click on the Help menu item.


