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Title: Command Line, how can I get it back, how do I make it bigger?
Topic ID: 28 Link to this page
Category: AutoCAD
Modified: 2024-04-09 Created: 2002-04-24

In the event your Command: prompt window has been accidentally closed, follow the steps below to re-display it:

  1. Press CTRL+9

Alternative method:

  1. At the bottom of the screen, enable the Dynamic Input button as shown below:
    Dynamic Input
    (Alternatively, use the F12 function key to toggle Dynamic Input.)
  2. When Dynamic Input is enabled, type commandline and press Enter. This should bring your Command: line back.

You can stretch the Command: line to show more lines if needed by placing your mouse between the drawing window and the Command: line window until you see the re-size arrows appear. You can then click-and-drag the edge of the window to change the size.

Resize Cursor



