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Title: WFS server issues
Topic ID: 1380 Link to this page
Category: Carlson GIS
Modified: 2023-08-23 Created: 2023-08-23
GETWFSDATA and similar commands depend on access to external servers outside of Carlson control. 

WFS is an older protocol and over time previously working servers have been discontinued and same service may be
available using ESRI REST API. 

Carlson 2023 and newer has GETESRIREST command that allows you to add a known ESRI REST API service. If you depended on
WFS service in the past and it is no longer available, please check with the provider if they have REST API server

One of such servers at
has been defunct for quite a while. Please click on WFS link to see if it is functioning if you have error accessing
this service. 



