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Title: Carlson Surveyor 2 - Disable Auto-Correct and Word Suggestion
Topic ID: 998 Link to this page
Category: Data Collectors / Carlson Surveyor 2
Modified: 2017-01-11 Created: 2017-01-11
This is in relation to disabling the Auto-Correct and Word Suggestion feature in Windows Mobile 6.5 which can sometimes
interfere with entering descriptions in SurvCE.

Please exit out of SurvCE and carry out the following:

1.  Click on Settings > Personal > Input
2.  Click on "Word Completion" (top left of the screen)
4.  Un-check "Suggest words when entering text"
5.  Scroll down to the bottom of the page and un-check "Enable Auto Correct"
6.  Click OK



Surveyor 2 - Disable Auto-Correct and Word Suggestion.pdf
