Knowledge Base

Category: Data Collectors / Carlson Supervisor
Topic ID: 833
Title: Manually Installing Windows Updates
Created: 2014-01-01Last modified: 2014-01-01
For instructions on Manually downloading and installing Windows Updates you can click the link below:

Manually downloading and installing Windows Updates

!!!WARNING!!! This notice is in regards to the Carlson Supervisor or the Carlson SuperG tablet as it
relates to the Windows Update Settings.

We have disabled Automatic Windows updates on your tablet to prevent Cellphone Data usage charges caused by downloading large update files from Microsoft through the built-in cellphone modem.

By disabling Automatic Windows updates from Microsoft it also helps to avoid a situation where there is a loss of Battery power in the middle of a Windows Update which can cause unexpected behavior and may make the unit inoperable.

We recommend manually checking for Windows Updates when you can leave the Supervisor connected
to an AC Wall charger for an extended period of time. For this update process we recommend using a
Wifi internet connection or a Network cable at your home of office.

You can follow the steps below on a weekly or bi-weekly basis to manually check for Windows Updates
and install them at your convenience:

1) Tap on the start button in the lower-left corner of the screen

2) Tap on Control Panel in the right column

3) Tap on System and Security in the upper left

4) Under the Windows Update options tap on Check for Updates

5) Windows will check for updates. If you see a message telling you that important updates are available, or telling you to review important updates, click the message to View

6) Check the box for any updates that you want to install then tap OK

7) Save any open documents, and close all other applications.

8) Tap on Install Updates to install any pending Windows updates.

!!! WARNING: Do not remove power from the Supervisor or SuperG during this
process. Leave the AC Wall Charger connected until the process is complete.

If you need to remove the Wall Charger before the update is complete tap Stop
Download or Stop Installation and wait for a confirmation.
The updates can take anything from a few minutes to over an hour depending on the
capabilities of the system, and the speed of the Internet connection.

9) When prompted to restart the machine, click Restart Now.