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Title: Microsoft Bluetooth Instructions
Topic ID: 811 Link to this page
Category: Data Collectors / Leica data collectors
Modified: 2013-07-31 Created: 2013-07-31
On the Viva CS15 or CS10 we recommend downloading and installing SurvCE Version 2.62 or higher using the link below then
setting the Comms tab to "Type: Bluetooth" and "BT Type: Windows Mobile"

Carlson SurvCE update

Then you can simply tap the "wrenches" icon next to Windows Mobile and tap "Find Receiver" and follow the prompts to
select your bluetooth devices.

This is in regards to using an RX1250 or CS09 or using SurvCE Version 2.61 or older on a Leica Viva data collector as it
relates to connecting to a GPS Rover using bluetooth.

If the current Version of SurvCE doesn't have a "Windows Mobile" option for "BT Type" = you can click the link below for
a PDF document with screenshots:

Microsoft Bluetooth.pdf



Microsoft Bluetooth.pdf
