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Title: Misc Issues in CGField
Topic ID: 678 Link to this page
Category: Data Collectors / CGField Collectors
Modified: 2011-03-23 Created: 2011-03-23
#1)  If the customer goes in to a function like inverse, it seemed to lock up. He had to press ESC two or three times
before the inverse routine would come up.

    ***SOLUTION:  In our SETTINGS menus (OPT 1 Screen), there is a PRINTER option. It can be set to OFF, ON, FILE or
AUTOFILE. If the user accidently sets it to ON, we try to output through the COMM port to the printer. That is what
causes the lockups. If it is set to FILE or AUTOFILE, all the output goes to a report file. I don’t think anyone hooks
up to printers anymore and that option should probably be removed.

#2) In the CGField STAKEOUT menu, option eight allows you to set “ZERO” ON or OFF. If ZERO is ON, we upload an angle
into the instrument so that when the instrument is turned to ZERO, it is pointed at the stakeout point. Customers
periodically turn this ON by accident and call in confused that they always have to turn to ZERO.
   ***SOLUTION:  In Stakeout - set Option Eight "ZERO" to OFF

#3) In PocketDos if you have accidentally turned off the Flying Windows Icon and the F1 shortcut icons on the bottom you
can type in the text below {the underscore is a space}:
After typing this in hit the Enter key and it will display the icons across the bottom of the PocketDos window


