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Title: Netherlands Geoid - Amersfoort 2004
Topic ID: 571 Link to this page
Category: SurvCE|PC / SurvCE / International Grid Projections
Modified: 2009-04-22 Created: 2009-04-22
We do support the 2004 RDNapTrans system.  It is possible that some customers do not have all of the updated files.  

In the attached zip file you'll find the current PreDef1.csl and x2c.grd and y2c.grd files for 2004.  

One problem is that these grd files use the same name for 2000 and 2004!  So, if the user already has them loaded for
2000, he will need to copy over them with the files for 2004.

To Install this "2004 RDNap Trans" update:

1) Scroll to the bottom of the page and save the attached file "" to your desktop
computer.  You can also save attached file "nl2004.gsf"

2) Unzip the file "" 

3) Exit out of SurvCE on the Data Collector by tapping File / Exit / Yes

4) Copy these 3 files {Predef1.csl + x2c.grd + y2c.grd} into the SurvStar folder on your Data Collector which is
normally located in "\SystemCF\SurvStar\" or "\C_Drive\SurvStar\" --- Answer Yes when it asks you to overwrite the
Existing Files

5) Now copy the file "nl2004.gsf" into the Data folder on your Data Collector where your jobs are stored(for example:
"\SystemCF\Data\" or "\C_Drive\Data\")

6) Open up SurvCE and go into Equip / Localization / System tab / Edit Projection list = this will contain the 2004

7) If you want to use the 2004 Geoid you can go to Equip / Localization / GPS = tap the "Geoid File" button and select

8) When you are finished you can tap the Green Checkbox in the upper right



