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Title: Resetting the Persistent Registry of the Explorer 600+
Topic ID: 457 Link to this page
Category: Data Collectors / Explorer 600+
Modified: 2007-05-09 Created: 2007-05-09
Resetting the Persistent Registry
!!!WARNING!!!  You may need to Re-Register SurvCE on the Internet after this Procedure

1) Write down the serial #:  in SurvCE, tap Equip  About SurvCE  Change Registration {it should start with a 5}, or- It
should be printed on the Back Cover of your SurvCE Manual

2) Check that the jobs are in SystemCFData:  Tap File  tap Job = on the Top Left check what directory the jobs are being
stored in

3) Backup All jobs on the Data Collector to a Desktop or a Laptop Computer

4) Reset the Persistent Registry:
a. Turn the Screen on, tap File and Exit to exit SurvCE

b. With the Screen still turned on: hold the On/off button down for 10 or 12 seconds (the screen should fade out and go
blank) after 10 or 12 seconds, let go of the On/off button

c.  With your Left hand hold down the "ESC" key and the "DEL" key --- Then immediately tap and release the "On_Off"
button {just push down on the On/Off key once and let go of it right away} make sure to continue to hold the "ESC" and
"DEL" keys down.

d.  The white loader screen should show up with the second line reading "Invalidating Persistent Registry" and A status
bar with # symbols will go across

e.  Let off all the keys when you see the ### symbols on the screen

f. A screen should open up with a Cross-Hair in the middle to calibrate the stylus --- just follow what the screen
prompts you to do 

g.  If your SurvCE shortcut is gone: Go to My Device  SystemCF  SurvStar directory = scroll down to the second "Hard
Hat" picture, tap once on it to highlight it / tap File / tap "Send To" / tap "Desktop as Shortcut" / tap X to exit out
of My Computer 

Tip #1) After holding the ESC and DEL buttons down you should immediately tap and release the On_Off button but continue
holding "ESC" and "DEL" down

Tip #2) If you hold down the On_Off button too long instead of tapping and releasing it immediately the Reset will fail
and the unit will boot normally without any screen calibration prompts

Tip #3) If you hold ESC and DEL down and Tap and release the On_Off button and the unit doesn't power on just release
all the keys and start over from the third Step "c." above

5)   Register your SurvCE again online at the link below: 

Register SurvCE Version 2.0

***Register older SurvCE Version 1.6 or 1.5***


