Knowledge Base

Category: Machine Control / Troubleshooting/Errors
Topic ID: 367
Title: WinMgmt error
Created: 2006-02-15Last modified: 2006-02-15
From Steve Weber:

For everyones knowledge base:
The 62 shovel was having terrible Windows problems.  It kept throwing an error in WinMgmt.exe  The error did not actually cause system failure, but kept stacking up in the taskbar.  When I began to look at it, the free disk space was less than 100 megs.  As I looked at the dump of the error, it looked like a heap allocation error.  So I cleaned off as much disk space as I could with no effect.  Then I located a spot where the system was logging the error in a text file and realized it was growing with each occurence.  After looking around for settings, I discovered in Control Panel> Admin Tools> Services that the errors were set to append error dumps to the log file.  I changed that, and changed Windows to put temporary files on D:, the partition set up by JLT, to try to gain more C: drive.  Still no effect.  Finally I worked my way into the "Windows Management Instrumentation" page where the executable works.  But it kept saying "Server failed to Initiate" and would do nothing on that page.  Back in Control Panel> Admin Tools> Services I tried to halt the service, but with similar errors.  Then finally on the "Windows Management Instrumentation" properties, Log On tab, I deselected "Local System Account", and initialized the "Administrator" account as the log on to use to run that service.  It has been working ever since without error.  I am not sure what happened to the local system user account on that machine (it should be there always) but at least it is working.  It sounds like some addition network problem that could crop up as usual in the future, so I thought you would like the insight.