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Title: Carlson Survey 2006/Export SHP, file does not import in ArcPad software
Topic ID: 342 Link to this page
Category: Carlson Survey
Modified: 2005-09-14 Created: 2005-09-14
When exporting data from Carlson Survey 2006 into a SHP file, ArcPad software could possible not read the entire
exported SHP file.

This is specific only when using the exported SHP file inside ArcPad. The problem does not occur if loading the SHP file
inside ArcView software.

To fix this issue please follow the next steps:
- Download the file from attachment.
- Exit Carlson Survey program.
- Locate the LSP folder of your Carlson Survey (usually the folder is located under: "Program Files\Carlson Software
- Locate the file: gisprt.arx and rename the file to gisprtold.arx.
- Copy the new file from attachment in the LSP folder.
- Restart Carlson Survey and Export the data into SHP file again.

Please make sure that you have the check box that exports the extra attributes ON if in the DXF or DWG file you have no
Carlson GIS links (the drawing contains only the geometry and has no features attached to the AutoCAD entities).



