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Title: Carlson BRx7 - Atlas Setup
Topic ID: 1128 Link to this page
Category: SurvCE|PC / SurvCE / Quick Start Guides / Carlson Instruments
Modified: 2024-04-09 Created: 2019-06-05

This article covers Firmware updates on the BRx7, software updates for SurvCE / PC, registration and activation of the Hemisphere Atlas Correction Service.

You can click below for detailed instructions on Activating ATLAS in your BRx7 receiver including screenshots:

Carlson BRx7 Atlas Subscription.pdf

Sections included in the Atlas Setup Guide.pdf are:

  1. Upgrade BRx7 to the current Firmware version using the knowledge base article below: BRx7 Firmware Upgrade
  2. Upgrade to SurvCE version 6.07 or higher. SurvCE Download page
  3. Atlas Registration: Atlas Subscription Form
  4. Atlas Activation
  5. Once Atlas has been activated for the BRx7 receiver you can use the steps below in SurvCE or SurvPC 6.07 or higher:
    1. In Equip / GPS Rover / RTK Tab set it to "Device: Lband" to use Atlas corrections
    2. Then tap the Receiver Tab / Advanced button and make sure "Enable SureFix" is UNchecked then tap the green check
    3. In the Receiver tab tap the "14 Parameter Datum" button and change it to "Datum Name: NAD83" then tap the green check twice to save your changes.

These above selections will allow for Atlas to Converge. Convergence takes anywhere from 10-40 minutes.

In Survey / Store Points (or other live routines) once convergence is complete the status will change to "Atlas (Converged)".



Atlas Setup Guide V1.00.pdf
Carlson_BRx7_Atlas Subscription_rev1.pdf
