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Title: Windows 10 effect on previously registered software
Topic ID: 995 Link to this page
Category: Licensing
Modified: 2024-04-09 Created: 2016-12-21

Windows 10 effect on previously registered software

Issue A

Symptom: Following the upgrade to Windows 10 Carlson product is no longer registered and requires re-registration.

Cause: The computer signature changes after the upgrade and this invalidates the recorded registration.

Resolution: Please complete online registration again, using the reason for registration as #3 "Windows or AutoCAD upgrade". If the registration fails, please select #5: "New Hardware". If rejected again, please contact Carlson registration support for further assistance.

Issue B

Symptom: Following an automatic updates on Windows 10 Carlson product is no longer registered and requires re-registration.

Cause: Unfortunate new "feature" of Windows 10 is that with minor updates the computer signature changes slightly, "drifts", causing our recorded registration to become invalid. We expect future releases of Carlson products to be able to handle this without need for re-registration, but we can not change it for existing products and sorry about the inconvenience.

Resolution: Please complete online registration again, using the reason for registration as #3 "Windows or AutoCAD upgrade". If rejected, please contact Carlson registration support for further assistance.


