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Title: Czech Geoid 2005
Topic ID: 761 Link to this page
Category: SurvCE|PC / SurvCE / International Grid Projections
Modified: 2012-09-05 Created: 2012-09-05
Attached is the Geoid for the Czech Republic 2005 v1005 revision #2

The attached geoid file is relatively small and can be loaded directly into SurvCE

1) Scroll to the bottom of the page and save the attached file "CR-2005_v1005.gsf" to your desktop computer 

2) Copy the file "CR-2005_v1005_2.gsf" into the Data folder on your Data Collector where your jobs are stored (for
example: "\SystemCF\Data\", "\C_Drive\Data\" or "\Program Files\SurvCE\Data\")

3) In SurvCE on the data collector tap the Equip tab / tap Localization / tap the GPS tab = tap the "Geoid File" button
and select "CR-2005_v1005_2.gsf" file / tap the Green Check

4) After setting the Geoid file tap the Green Checkbox in the upper right to save your changes in Localization and apply
the new geoid



