Knowledge Base

Category: SurvCE|PC / SurvCE / International Grid Projections
Topic ID: 737
Title: USA Kentucky Single Zone
Created: 2012-04-11Last modified: 2012-04-11
This is the steps for adding in a “NAD83 – Kentucky Single Zone” GPS projection into Carlson SurvCE 2.0 and higher.

You can click the link below for a PDF document including screenshots:
Kentucky Single Zone PDF

1) Tap the Equip tab / Localization / System tab

2) tap “Edit Projection List”

3) Tap “Add User Defined”

4) Type in “NAD83KY Single” {without the quotes} for the system name

5) The tap the pulldown list to set the projection to “Lambert_Conformal_Conic_2SP”

6) Tap “Edit/View Datum” = change the Ellipsoid to “GRS80” / tap the Green Check

7) Now fill out the 6 boxes below as follows:
N. Parallel: 38.6666666667
S. Parallel: 37.0833333333
C. Meridian: -85.75
Lat. of Origin: 36.3333333333
False Northing: 1,000,000
False Easting: 1,500,000
***PLEASE NOTE: the Lat_Longs are in decimal degrees and False North_East are in meters

8) After typing in all these values Tap the Green Check in the upper right to save your changes

9) Tap the Green Check again to set “NADKY Single” as your current projection

10) Now you can tap Green Check a final time and use your RTK FIXED Rover to stakeout a known
“Kentucky Single Zone” monument to make sure the Projection is setup properly.