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Title: AutoCAD Ribbon Menu
Topic ID: 734 Link to this page
Category: AutoCAD
Modified: 2012-03-21 Created: 2012-03-21
Carlson with AutoCAD does not have a Ribbon menu feature build in its default menu (csxxbase.cui). In order to
incorporate this AutoCAD menu feature into Carlson you will need to create a new Workspace in the Carlson CUI. You can
disable the Ribbon menu by typing 'ribbonclose' at the commandline.

Create a workspace:
Type CUI at the commandline, this will open the Custom User Interface 
- under the 'Customize' tab - in 'Customizations in All Files' - right click on Workspace 
- select New Workspace 
- on the right side of the dialog select 'Customize Workspace' 
- back on the left side of the dialog expand each menu option (Ribbon, Toolbars, Menu...) and place checks in the boxes
of the desired menu components (be careful not to overpopulate your workspace)
- once you have selected all the desired menu features click on the 'Done' button on the left. 

Now that you have created the custom workspace click 'Apply' then 'OK' to return to the drawing. 
Turn on the AutoCAD Workspace toolbar by right clicking on any AutoCAD toolbar and selecting 'Workspace'. From the
toolbar set the workspace to your custom workspace.

Here's a link to a YouTube video that shows how to create custom workspaces, ribbon tabs and ribbon panels:


