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Title: 600+ is slow to store points
Topic ID: 732 Link to this page
Category: SurvCE|PC / SurvCE / SurvCE 2.50
Modified: 2012-03-07 Created: 2012-03-07
This is in regards to using a 600+ data collector with SurvCE 2.50 or higher as it relates to slow behavior storing
points and no longer making any sound when you store points.

As a temporary fix in the Field they can go into Equip / Configure / General tab and scroll down to “Use Audible Alerts”
= if this box is checked they can UNCHECK it and tap the green check to save their changes.  This should speed up the
point storing immediately.

Once they are back in the office they need to follow the instructions below to update the Operating System of their 600+
to the newest version:

600+ Operating System Update



