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Title: New Bluetooth Driver
Topic ID: 610 Link to this page
Category: Data Collectors / Carlson Explorer
Modified: 2009-12-30 Created: 2009-12-30
!!!WARNING = The Socket Mobile Bluetooth Card is no longer sold as of September 30th, 2009 !!!

 Discontinued Product Details

You can try contacting a North American Socket Mobile dealer at the link below:

Socket Mobile North American Resellers 

This is the information on the card you would need:
  Product Number: BL4535-634
  Description:  Socket Mobile CF Card with Bluetooth Wireless

Here is the information for installing the New Bluetooth Drivers on a Carlson Explorer for the new “8510-00264”
Bluetooth compact flash cards from Socket Mobile.

This driver will work on the Explorer I and Explorer II and it will work with the old style card part number
"8510-00159" as well as the new cards p/n: "8510-00264"

Installing the New Bluetooth Driver:

1)  Click the link below to download the file “SocketBT_Explorer.exe” to your desktop computer or laptop: 

2) You must change the power settings in the Explorer before continuing:
    a. Exit SurvCE / tap the 2nd function key then tap “W” to open the Start menu
    b. tap Settings / tap Control Panel
    c. Double-tap the Power icon / tap the Schemes Tab at the top
    d. Change the "Power Scheme" to "AC Power"
    e. Change all three boxes below to "Never" for "Switch State" to
    f. Tap OK in the upper right
    g.  Tap Start / Programs / Tools / Warm Boot / tap YES
3)  Plug the Carlson Explorer into the AC Wall Charger before continuing
4)  Now use your normal method of transferring job files to copy the file “SocketBT_Explorer.exe” we downloaded in Step
#1 to the “SystemCF” folder in your data collector {This will only take 5 minutes using ActiveSync or a Compact Flash
card. PLEASE NOTE = it may take up to 45 minutes to copy the file using SurvCom with a 9pin cable}

5) Remove the Socket Bluetooth card from the data collector before continuing

6) Unplug the 9pin cable from the Explorer AFTER it has finished copying the file

7)  Double-tap “My Computer” / double-tap “SystemCF” / double-tap “SocketBT…” 

8) Tap the “Install Button” / a status bar will start moving across the screen

9) Tap "Yes to All" when it asks to overwrite or replace files

After the installation is finished you will see a blue “Setup Wizard” screen

10) tap Next / tap Next again to set the Name / tap Finish

Another status bar will move across the screen while it creates Backup files

11) When it says “Installation Successful!” tap the “X” in the upper right to exit

12) Plug in your Socket Bluetooth card and in about 10 seconds you will see a Bluetooth icon in the System Tray down by
the clock if you open the Start menu

13) Now you can Open up SurvCE and go into Equip Total Station, GPS Base or GPS Rover / tap the Comms tab / select
Bluetooth / set the Device to “Socket” / the default com port is Com9 / tap the Configure button / tap the Find Receiver
button / select your device and you should be able to connect now using SurvCE.



Socket Website:


