Knowledge Base

Category: Carlson Civil
Topic ID: 495
Title: Build Fixes History Carlson Civil, Survey, Mining 2008
Created: 2007-12-05Last modified: 2007-12-05
A new “Build” of Carlson 2008 has been made on 6-17-08. Here is a list of improvements and fixes found in this build.  Some minor fixes are not listed here.

Updates 10-29-07 to 6-17-08

Mining Timing
Fixed several problems with underground and surface equipment timing.
File: mineutil.arx

Centerline Report
Fixed reported station for PC on railroad centerlines.
File: eworks.arx

Updates 9-20-07 to 10-29-07
X-Data Corruption
Fixed problem with some functions causing corruption of extended entity data (xdata) which caused crashes on some systems.
Files: poly3d.arx, eworks.arx, tri4.arx

Centerline Report
Fixed report of line bearing to use bearing format instead of azimuths.
File: eworks.arx

Station Polyline/Centerline
Fixed problem with switching left/right for description labels of created offset points.
File: scadutil.arx

Updates 6-26-07 to 9-20-07

Field To Finish:
Fixed drawing of multiple point curves for the best-fit and tangent arc methods.
File: finish.arx

Draw North Arrow:
Fixed North arrow orientation problem when inserted into a twisted view drawing.
File: narrow.fas

Define Pre-Calc Grids:
Fixed problem with surface grid file name getting set to strata grid file names.
File: corehole.arx

Input-Edit Road Profile
Fixed display of sight distance for crest vertical curves.
Files: profedit.arx

Create Profile From 3D Polyline
Fixed use of reference CL for profile stations.
Files: profedit.arx

AEC Object Enabler
Added support for AEC 2008 object enabler for converting LDT contours and points.
File: gisutil.arx

Design Sewer-Pipe Profiles
Restored options dialog for drawing the profile at the end of this routine.
File: profedit.arx