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Title: Saving your registry in the Carlson Explorer/Jett CE
Topic ID: 360 Link to this page
Category: Data Collectors / Carlson Explorer
Modified: 2005-12-28 Created: 2005-12-28
It is advisable to save the registry in your data collector after upgrading your software.  This task is easy to do and
is done in relatively the same way the Explorer.  
1)	Exit to Windows
2)	Tap the START key on your task bar.
If you cannot see your task bar, run your stylus along the bottom edge of the screen to have it pop up.  If this does
not work, press the BLUE key and the START key (blue 2ND key and the W key on the Explorer) on the key pad. 
3)	Next, tap PROGRAMS
4)	Then, TOOLS 
5)	Finally, SAVE REG 


