Knowledge Base

Category: Legacy Products / SurvCADD
Topic ID: 304
Title: Build Fixes History
Created: 2005-03-16Last modified: 2005-03-16
A new “Build” of SurvCADD 2006 has been made on 3-29-2006. Here is a list of improvements and fixes found in this build.  Some minor fixes are not listed here.

Updates 3-29-06 to 7-22-05
Edit Pad Template
Added support for reporting in metric mode.
File: pond.arx

Point Group Manager
Fixed a problem that truncated the point range for very long point number lists.
File: crdutil.arx

Fixed a problem with setting a new font style.
File: crdutil.arx

Section Points From Right Of Way
Fixed a problem with locating the section point along the arc instead of the chord for arc segments of ROW polylines.
File: regrade.arx

3D Polyline By Slope On Surface
Increased the precision for direction changes on the surface.
File: cntr_grd.arx

Surface Mine Reserves
Fixed a problem with reporting too much strata volume for the last strata when a bottom surface grid was used and the bottom strata elevation matched the bottom surface grid.
File: makegrid.arx

Updates 7-22-05 to 5-25-05
Fixed report for standard errors in the SurvNet module.
File: rawedit.arx

Elevation Difference
Restored support for using triangulation surfaces.
File: contour4.arx

Draw 2D Polyline
Added L for Length option to extend polyline in current direction.
File: poly3d.arx

Updates 5-25-05 to 4-20-05
Make 3D Grid File
Fixed a problem of not holding all the breaklines when making a grid from 3D polylines.
File: makegrid.arx

Design Pad Template
Restored support for using a template file along an open 3D polyline.
File: pond.arx

LandXML CL Conversion
Fixed a case for converting centerlines with LandXML format.
File: gisutil.arx

Updates 4-20-05 to 3-30-05
Drawing Inspector
Fixed the flicker problem with the tooltip display in AutoCad 2006.
File: autotag.arx

C&G Coordinate File Support
Fixed a problem with skipping every other point when processing a point range.
File: crdutil.arx

Mining Equipment Timing
Fixed a problem with selecting defined equipment. Also fixed a problem with reporting by property boundaries. Also fixed a problem with clearing the old timing color entities.
File: mineutil.arx

Contour From Grid File
Fixed support for using an inclusion perimeter with the polynomial smoothing method.
File: cntr_grd.arx

Draw 2D Polyline
Fixed creating a reverse curve by radius length to make the curve tangent to the previous curve.
File: poly3d.arx

Surface Mining Reserves
Fixed a problem with using a Grid Sequence file (gsq)
File: makegrid.arx

Updates 3-30-05 to 3-29-05

Input-Edit Centerline File:
Fixed a problem with editing centerlines with spirals.
File: eworks.arx