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Title: Data collector lock-up
Topic ID: 289 Link to this page
Category: SurvCE|PC / SurvCE / Known Issues
Modified: 2004-12-08 Created: 2004-12-08
It is possible for a data collector to lock up.  You might find that you can turn it on but the touch screen and keypad
are not responsive.  If this is the case, you should try a WARM BOOT of your collector.

Hold the POWER BUTTON down for 10 seconds.  You will see your screen turn off and then slowly fade away.  When the 10
seconds are up, turn the collector back on.  You should see a message telling you that it is loading from the SYSTEM
SOCKET.  Once this is done you should be able to continue your work.

In rare cases the data collector my be stubborn and need to be booted at least 3 times before it’s head is cleared.

In extreme cases you may find that a number of WARM BOOTS has had no effect.  In these cases you may need to do a HARD
BOOT.  This will require you to hold the POWER BUTTON down for 20 seconds.  There is a risk of losing you Surv Ce icon
from your desktop.

To replace your SURV CE icon to you desktop you enter the MY COMPUTER icon.  Find the System CF folder (C_Drive in the
Allegro).  Inside this folder is another named SURVSTAR.  By scrolling through the SURVSTAR folder you will come upon
the icon for SURVCE.  Highlight this icon.  Select FILE, then SEND TO> DESKTOP AS SHORTCUT.


