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Title: Why do my toolbars disappear/double when I switch between ACAD module to any SurvCADD module?
Topic ID: 160 Link to this page
Category: Legacy Products / SurvCADD
Modified: 2003-05-07 Created: 2003-05-07
This is a known problem that has been fixed in the 020829 build of SurvCADD. After installing this build, you must
manually reload the menu (.MNU) files or delete the following files in SurvCADD's SUP  folder: ac02base.mnc,
ac02base.mns and ac02base.mnr.

If problem persists even after, go to preferences, -> profiles. Delete SurvCADXML profile (caution: this removes any
customizations). Close AutoCAD and restart SurvCADD XML. This should recreate profile and get rid of the problem.


