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Title: How do I calculate a traverse (By Hand) with SurvCE?
Topic ID: 140 Link to this page
Category: SurvCE|PC / SurvCE / HowTos
Modified: 2024-03-29 Created: 2003-02-19

Please Note: It's VERY IMPORTANT to turn on the Raw File if you want to process this hand entered survey data.

If you go into the Cogo tab from the Main Menu and tap "Manual Traverse" you will never get Raw Data stored in your *.RW5 raw file. You must follow the steps below and use the Map Screen to create Raw Data for a Traverse.

In order to do a hand traverse with SurvCE, go to the MAP screen by clicking the icon in the upper right corner labeled "MAP" or the "Globe Icon."

FIRST --- Tap Tools / tap Traverse Defaults:

  1. Check the box for "Instrument & Rod Height" if you have these in your field notes
  2. Select the Vertical Angle method used in your Field notes {None, 90 degrees level, etc.}
  3. YOU MUST set the Raw File to "ON" to record your angles and distances for Processing. Tap next to ON so the black dot is shown beside "ON". If you leave this set to the default of "OFF" SurvCE will NOT record any of the raw data you enter and it will create Coordinates ONLY.
  4. Tap the Green Checkmark to accept these changes

Traverse Steps:

  1. To begin, you must key in the command for inverse by typing "I" (Without the quotes) then hit ENTER to establish your occupied and backsight points. The command prompt will display the following:
    Cmd:Inverse - Tr/Ss/Pick point or point No
  2. Key in the backsight point number followed by the [ENTER] key.
  3. Key in the occupied point number followed by the [ENTER] key.
  4. Key "T" for Traverse or "S" for Sideshot followed by the [ENTER] key.
  5. If you keyed in "T" for traverse the command prompt will be waiting for an angle code by displaying the following:
    Cmd:Traverse - eXit/I/Ss/Angle-BC(1-7)<7>
    If you keyed in "S" for sideshot the command prompt will also be waiting for an angle code by displaying the following:
    Cmd:Sideshot - eXit/I/Tr/Angle-BC(1-7)<7>
    The code choices you can key in are as follows:
    1. Northeast Bearing
    2. Southeast Bearing
    3. Southwest Bearing
    4. Northwest Bearing
    5. Azimuth
    6. Angle Left
    7. Angle Right
  6. Key in the angle code of choice followed by the [ENTER] key
  7. Key in the angular value in the dd.mmss format followed by the [ENTER] key.
  8. If you selected a vertical prompt under "Traverse Defaults", then key in the appropriate value followed by the [ENTER] key.
  9. Key in the slope distance followed by the [ENTER] key.
  10. Key in the point description followed by the [ENTER] key.
  11. Press the [ENTER] key to accept the next available point number or key in a new point number followed by the [ENTER] key.
  12. If you traversed, then you are now occupying the new point and are back sighting the previous point of occupation. If you sideshot the new point, then you are still at the previous setup and ready to compute the next point.
  13. Options at the command prompt when presented with the messages listed in step 5 are as follows:
    • X - Exit
    • I - Inverse
    • S - Sideshot
    • T - Traverse
  14. After the Survey Data is all entered in type in "X" without the quotes then hit [ENTER] to exit the routine / then tap the "X" in the upper right to return to the Main Menu
  15. If you want to run a Compass Rule or Angle Balance on the newly entered Raw Data you can tap the File tab / tap Raw Data / tap the Green Check to open the Current Raw file / select a Processing Routine.

If you need help running Traverse Adjustments please see the Process Raw Tutorial.

Remember that in order to establish new occupied and backsight point information, you must use the "I" (Inverse) command and define the backsight point first and the occupied point second.



Process Raw Tutorial:

