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Title: Auto-Loading and Running LISP
Topic ID: 1188 Link to this page
Category: IntelliCAD
Modified: 2020-07-22 Created: 2020-07-22
IntelliCAD-based products load the contents of these user-definable files automatically: icad.lsp, icaddoc.lsp. They are
looked for in the installation folder (like C:Program FilesCarlson2020_ICAD9).

The icad.lsp file is loaded only once, when the program starts, whereas icaddoc.lsp is loaded with each individual
document (or drawing). This lets you associate the loading of the icad.lsp file with application startup, and the
icaddoc.lsp file with document (or drawing) startup.

The icad.lsp and icaddoc.lsp startup files are not provided with Carlson products in clean installation. It is up to the
user to create and maintain these files.

If you want to load some existing LISP file w/o renaming it or to run a LISP file located somewhere else just add
loading of it in the icad.lsp or icaddoc.lsp using (load) LISP routine. Like this:
(load "path\\to\\my\\file.lsp")
(load "path/to/my/file.lsp")
* please note that back slashes in the path have to be doubled, forward slashes are not.


