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Title: What Is SUREFIX in the BRx6?
Topic ID: 1113 Link to this page
Category: SurvCE|PC / SurvCE / FAQ
Modified: 2019-02-27 Created: 2019-02-27
In order to provide high fidelity quality indicators to the users, the SureFix processor takes several inputs, such as
GNSS data, data preprocessing results, and generated RTK solutions. The SureFix processor takes all available
information and, by using functional and stochastic analysis methods, it determines the quality of the current RTK
engine solution. These are shown as "SufreFix quality indicators". 

The SureFix indicators are then, combined with the RTK solution before being provided to the user shown as a FIXED+
solution in SurvCE or SurvPC. At the end of the process, the user has access to high fidelity information about the
quality of the RTK solution.


