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Title: GPS - Auto Store when Level
Topic ID: 1100 Link to this page
Category: SurvCE|PC / SurvCE / Quick Start Guides
Modified: 2018-12-05 Created: 2018-12-05
This is in regards to using Carlson SurvCE 5.04 or higher with a GNSS receivers that has built in electronic tilt

In Version 5.04 and higher we have the ability to auto-store points when level.  

You can click the link below for a PDF document with screenshots:
Auto Store when Level.pdf

This routine allows you to store a point automatically as soon as the receiver is level.  This can be especially useful
in high traffic areas as it allows you to focus more attention on your surroundings as you survey.

To use this feature, tap Equip / GPS Rover then tap the "Receiver" tab and check the box for  "Use IMU" then tap the
Green Check in the top right to save your changes. 

If you want to view the electronic bubble on the screen you can tap Equip / Configure then tap the "IMU" tab and check
the box for "View GNSS Level" and tap the Green check to save your changes.

The auto store when level routine is located under Survey / Auto By Interval.  When the "Use IMU" box is checked on in
the receiver tab under GPS Rover the new option "Level" will appear.  

The Time Tolerance allows you to configure how long the pole must be level before a point is automatically stored.  The
Distance Tolerance defines the minimum distance between two automatically stored points.  This prevents multiple points
from being stored in the same location.  Starting point ID, automatic descriptions, and max number of points are also
configurable on this settings screen.

After you tap the green check, points will be stored automatically as soon as the unit is within the Level tolerances
set in Equip / Tolerances.  

The red bar at the top is a quick indicator that the pole is not level.

As soon as the pole is level for the length of time you have configured a point will be stored stored. An audible alert
sounds to let you know you can move on.

To set the maximum tilt tolerance for this routine and all other live survey screens (such as Store Points, Stake Points
and Stake Line) tap the Equip tab then tap "Tolerances".   

The Level Tolerance defines the allowable error on the ground for which the receiver will be considered level.  In this
case, it is set to 3cm.  With the 2.04 meter pole being used, this allows for about 50 minutes of tilt on the pole. 



